£200.00 + VAT per year
SCR Financial Reporting Manual (User Guide)
Small companies
Non-small companies
Group accounts
Illustrative accountants’ reports
Illustrative audit reports
£350.00 + VAT per year
SCR Audit Procedures Manual (User Guide)
The Audit Procedures Manual outlines the SCR audit methodology including risk assessment, materiality, devising audit tests and sampling and is supported by:
These checklists are available in Word and PDF for downloading for use on individual audits.
SCR Audit Compliance Manual
Outline procedures for compliance with ISQM and Audit Regulations with checklists for use on a day to day and annual basis e.g. fit and proper form, annual compliance review etc
Outline procedures for compliance with ISQM and Audit Regulations with checklists for use on a day to day and annual basis e.g. fit and proper form, annual compliance review etc
£350.00 + VAT per year
SCR Charites Manual (User Guide)
The SCR Charities Manual provides an outline of the regulatory background for charities in England and Wales and Scotland. It covers:
Charity financial reporting working papers
The SCR Charites Manual is supplemented by disclosure checklists for use on individual charity assignments. These include:
Charity audit working papers
Based on the audit methodology in SCR Audit procedures, the charity audit working papers provides checklists and work programmes together with illustrative reports and letters
Charity independent examination papers
The SCR Charities Manual is further supplemented by working papers and checklists which based on the guidance from the Charity Commission and OSCR. The working papers deal with planning, work and reporting and include illustrative letters and reports
Small Company Reporting Limited provides a hot and cold file review service by post or carrier.
Clients receive a completed checklist which covers compliance with auditing standards, shows detailed points arising and sets out our overall conclusions, and which can be made available to audit inspectors, with our agreement.
Read MoreSmall Company Reporting invites technical enquiries from subscribers. We will endeavour to respond promptly, although this service does not operate as a "hot line". In some cases we may be able to suggest other suitable sources of information, including links to other web sites dealing with matters affecting smaller accountancy practices and reporting requirements affecting their clients.
Read MoreWe publish an update bulletin, which is available free to subscribers to the manuals, or available by separate subscription to others. The bulletin is published quarterly, subject to there being sufficient update material available. With effect from July this bulletin will be published electronically, which will enable us to issue alerts and other time critical information earlier then through a printed bulletin.
Read MoreOur editor, Val’s, courses